We Won a James Beard Book Award!
All photos courtesy of the James Beard Foundation, 2023.
When Rice, Water, Earth: Exploring the World of Japanese Craft Sake was nominated for a James Beard back in April, we were thrilled just to have our names mentioned among so many great writers, podcasters and other content creators.
But to be at the awards ceremony in Chicago on June 3 and hear our names called out as winners, that elevated the experience to the out-of-body. Neither Michael nor I was prepared for this, nor did we fully understand that the ceremony really is the Oscars of the food world. Winners arrive on stage with prepared acceptance speeches typed out on their smart phones. More than a few broke down sobbing, and speeches ranged from the emotionally moving to the defiantly triumphant to the hilarious. It’s a big, three-hour emotional stew.
When we arrived on stage to accept our award, teleprompters advised us which way to exit the stage and offered other advice I was too distracted to pay attention to. After accepting the award, we were ushered into the lobby of the auditorium to have our pictures taken. There, we were each offered a celebratory split of Möet & Chandon champagne fitted with a little silver drinking spout. Then it was back to our seats to watch the rest of the show. The after-party was great relief after three hours of sitting.
I soon discovered that after the initial high of a Beard win, just as been shown to happen with lottery winners (we’re close to being one and the same), I reverted back to my resting emotional set-point and begin worrying about my next assignment, my next writing project. The high was lovely while it lasted, and the (very heavy) medal is a reminder that it really did happen. You can see the full list of media award winners here, and watch a recording of the awards ceremony here. To those of you who purchased a copy of our book, thank you!